The Lebesgue center chose to devote his first thematic semester, to be held in spring 2013, to the rich and close links between probability theory, analysis and the study of partial differential equations. The semester will highlight major recent advances in this broad field and will promote interactions between researchers from many different backgrounds and specialities. Among other events, an international Opening Conference, four thematic workshops and a Summer School will be held in Rennes and Nantes.
Scientific commitee: J. Angst, A. Debussche, J. Y. Hu, F. Malrieu
Dates: Monday 8 to Friday 12 April 2013 , Location: Rennes, Contact: A. Debussche, F. Malrieu
Workshop 1: Randomness and PDEs
Dates: Monday 15 to Wednesday 17 April 2013, Location: Nantes, Contact: Ph. Carmona, F. Hérau
Workshop 2: Piecewise Deterministic Markov Processes
Dates: Wednesday 15 to Friday 17 May 2013, Location: Rennes, Contact: J.-C. Breton, F. Malrieu
Workshop 3: Backward Stochastic Differential Equations
Dates: Wednesday 22 to Friday 24 May 2013, Location: Rennes, Contact: M. Gradinaru, Y. Hu
Workshop 4: Stochastic Differential Geometry
Dates: Wednesday 29 to Friday 31 May 2013, Location: Rennes, Contact: J. Angst, I. Bailleul
Summer School on KPZ Equation and Rough Paths
Dates: Monday 3 to Friday 7 June 2013, Location: Rennes, Contact: A. Debussche, M. Gradinaru
Dates: Tuesday 10 to Wednesday 11 September 2013, Location: Rennes, Contact: J. Erhel, E. Faou, T. Lelièvre
Calendar of the events
April 2013
May 2013
June 2013